MDI Episcopal Staff
The Rev. Tracy Shaffer
The Reverend Tracy Shaffer, our current deacon, was called to ordained ministry as a member of St. Dunstan’s Ellsworth, in 2015 and entered the formal diocesan discernment process in 2018. As part of her preparation, she completed a two-year cohort learning experience with the Province One School for Deacons, graduating in December of 2020.
Tracy has been a resident of Ellsworth since 2013. She built a retirement home in Maine after retiring from Verizon and its predecessor companies after a career of over 25 years. She decided on this area because of its proximity to her mother as well as to a family camp on Gouldsboro Bay.
A key interest in her retirement - or next chapter - was and is community service. With that in mind, a call to the diaconate seems to be a natural fit and a response to a sense of call discerned much earlier in her life to ordained service.
Tracy is single, remains an active Rotarian after serving as President of The Ellsworth Rotary Club in 2018-19, enjoys engaging in community service including Everybody Eats! Free Community Meal, likes to dine out with friends (pre-COVID) and spend time at camp.
Maribeth Payne
Before joining the parishes on MDI as Lay Pastoral Care Associate, Maribeth most recently served a chaplain with Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Fairfield County (CT), where she visited patients in their homes and guided several bereavement groups in person or via Zoom. She earned her Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School in 2019 following a forty-year career in Publishing, publishing books about music. She completed a summer internship at Waveny Lifecare Network, a long-term care facility for patients living with varying degrees of dementia and cognitive impairment; completed her first unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Norwalk Hospital, and then embarked on a nine-month Chaplaincy Residency at Bridgeport Hospital, a trauma center in Fairfield County.
She has a passion for pastoral care, working with the homebound, those living in care facilities, and with the seriously ill, as they deepen their personal relationship with God and live in response to God’s invitation in our lives. Maribeth lives in Norwalk, CT and in Blue Hill, Maine, is married to her husband Greg, has two adult sons and a tri-color rough collie dog named Geordie, plays the piano and the organ, and has been writing poetry.
Lay Pastoral Care Associate
Elizabeth Ginty
Administrative Assistant
Louise Soucy